(PLEASE NOTE) I'm using my Snapchat on my iPad mini. And some tips and tricks may only work with Apple devices.
First let's get to know Snapchat.
What each icon is.
Emojis. At the bottom you can scroll left or right to see more.
Text with box. This is your first text option.
Big bold font. If you tap the text icon twice you get this big bold font.
Tap the text icon again and it will center your font. Tap the text icon again to go back to the box text.
Tap on the doodle icon to draw. use the slider to change the color.
Now that you know the basics lets get into the tips and tricks.
1.How to get more space for text when writing your caption on my photo.
- A: Start typing what you want. Then go to your notes on your device, Hit return twice. Then copy the blank space. Go back to your Snapchat and at the end of your sentence then press paste. (Snapchat has a new update that now allows more writing space)
2. How to get more colors. Also known as the secret color wheel.
- A: When you go to doodle keep your scroll up or down on the color panels. While your finger is still pressed on the screen while your scrolling for colors drag your finger around the outside and around your screen. When you drag your finger to the top left side you will get white, when you drag more to the bottom of the screen you get black.
3. How to get music in the background of videos.
- A: Play a song on your device using your own songs or download iHeart Radio or other music apps. Once the song starts playing open Snapchat and record your video.
4. How to use more than one filter.
- A. Once you take a photo and choose your first filter simply hold your finger on the screen and keep scrolling with the other filter. This will allow you to stack more than one filter on top of the other.
5. How to snap now & send to your my story to post later when your on Wifi.
- A: Go to your Snapchat settings-Manage-Travel Mode and turn it on. Take a photo like you normally would. When you send it to story or a friend it will sit there. It will say snap failed to send. Once your on Wifi open your Snapchat and tap to try again on your friends name. On your story click on the 3 dots by my story and you will see the photos that failed to load says tap to retry. They will sit there until you delete them or retry to send over wifi.
6. How to record a video longer than 15secs.
- A: Press record while your finger is still holding down the record button double tap on the home button. you will only be able to see half of your Snapchat screen, but it is still recording. Try not to record for a really long time, then you won't be able to send it anywhere. Once you are done tap back on Snapchat, it will glitch for just a second then it will start playing your video.
7. Get creative with DIY Snapchat filters by using emojis or colored text.
- A:Once you have taken your photo, choose a emoji. Drag the emoji to the middle of the screen and make it bigger. As you make the emoji bigger move keep moving it to the edge of your photo till you get that see through look of the color.
8. Did you know that you can save a screenshot of a friends ghost to your camera roll and add them later?
- A:When your on facebook or so on you may see someone's screenshot of there add me Snapchat ghost. After saving the screenshot ghost to your camera roll you tap on your ghost while your in the camera mode, choose add friend, add by Snapcode. It will open your camera roll, select the friends Snapchat code. It will scan it and show the ghost bones. If it is successful it will say add friend.
9. Make your text colorful.
- A:Click the T icon 2x to bring up the font. Write what you like. Select the word or a letter of the word that you want to change colors. Use your color panel while the word is selected to change the color.
10. How to exit friends back to back story mode?
- I hated when Snapchat updated to where when you check out one friend's story it would just keep going through all your friend's stories. Ugh call me stupid, but for a long time I had no idea how to get out of it, so I would close Snapchat and reopen it. Then my friend told me how to exit it out the friends story mode like a Pro should lol.
- All you have to do is when your in a story is drag your finger from the top of the screen to the bottThat'shats it just one simple slide from the top to the bottom and boom its gone.
- That's right you read that right. No more using dumb third party apps to upload your camera roll photos to Snapchat. Snapchat just updated and its even better.
- From your main camera in SC under the shutter camera button you will see a small circle icon under it with a picture in it. Tap on that icon. This will bring up your saved snaps and camera roll photos.
- Choose the camera roll and choose a photo you would like to upload to SC.
- Tap on your photo. The edit & send option will pop up at the bottom. Click on it.
- Here you will have the option to delete the photo or edit. Tap on the pen icon to edit the photo as if you would after you have taken a photo with the SC camera. Be sure to also set your time of preview each time too. Play with the filters and etc. Once you are done send it off to friends and you SC Story.
- Once you are done, tap the done button, choose from the pop-up options. I always choose discard changes. Then from there slide your finger from top to bottom to exit edit mode. This will take you back to your camera roll and snaps roll. From there you can upload more or press the circle camera button to snap a new SC photo. Now when you check out your story mode your photo from your camera roll will be there. It will also let viewers know that the photo was from your camera roll.
Do you know any Snapchat tips, tricks or hacks? If so share them in the comments below.
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