Monday, October 18, 2021

Tarot Tips for Beginners


Tips For beginners.

1. Research- Do some research on tarot card. Learn the history, learn some tips and tricks. 

2. Buying your first deck- You may have read or even heard somewhere that its not a good idea to buy your own deck of tarots. That is simply not true. 

  • For beginners start with the Rider Waite tarot deck or a deck that is based off the Rider Wait deck. This deck is what most other decks go off of. Its best to start with this deck to learn the meaning behind the card. 
  • Download and print the Rider Wait Tarot Deck HERE for free. 
  • Buy the Rider Wait Tarot Deck on Amazon HERE.
3. Tips when buying your first deck. 
  • Don't always buy your decks online. If you do, make sure it has reviews and you do some research on them to make sure they are the real deck. I have just bought 3 packs of new cards and they was knock offs of the real deck. I bought one from Walmart online and the other two from eBay.  Its ok if you want to buy knocks off. I really don't mind, but when I paid $20 for a set thinking it was the real deck to only get it in the mail and it was a knock off. I wasn't happy for the fact I paid that much for a fake. For the right price I wouldn't mind it. I'm still in the learning stages. But if you plane on using them for making money, buying the real deck is worth it.
  • When buying your tarot cards, let the cards speak to you and your soul. Don't always go for the deck just because it is pretty. That deck might not be the one for you. 
  • Always, always cleanse and clear your deck before using them each time. There are a few ways you can do this. Using incense or smudging them. When using incense or smudging them make sure you do this counter clockwise. Charge and clear them under a full moon. Cleanse them with crystals by laying a crystal on top of the deck before each use. Knocking on the deck 3x before using them. Meditate with your deck. Reorder your deck and shuffle them before a reading. Blessing the deck with a blessing or prayer. 
  • Do a interview spread to bond & get to know your deck. Check out these deck interview spreads from Google HERE. There are other ways you can bond with your deck. Spend at least 5min a day with them by shuffling, carrying them around or sleeping with them under your pillow. 
Other tarot tips.
  • Take time to go through your deck of cards. Touch them, feel them, look at the pictures and symbols. Use your intuition and not just go off the meaning of the cards from the book, but don't try to force a meaning at the same time of the card off the book. 
  • There is no wrong meanings to the card. Use your intuition to go off how you're feeling about what that card may mean to you or telling you.  
  • Go through your deck after each reading and flip and reverse any reversed card upright. 
  • Learn the 4 ‘Clair’ Senses To Receive Information Psychically.
  • Ask good questions. Starting off with Why..? When..?, and Where..? Not so good question start off like Will I..?, Can I..?, Does..? Is..? and yes or no questions. 
  • Create a sacred place for you to practice and learn tarot in a quite space that's your own. Practice, practice, practice is the key. 
  • Try doing a daily pull or 3 tarot spreads and journal about your card each day. This is a good way to bond and learn the meanings to your cards. 
  • Talk out loud to your cards when doing a reading and asking questions. 
  • Find your birthday tarot cards using the free birth card calculator HERE or HERE.
Some Don'ts. 
  • Don't do a reading for yourself or anyone else when you are highly emotional.
  • Don't pull more than 2 extra cards for clarification.
  • Don't ask the same questions in one reading session. Wait at least 7-9 days to ask the same question again. 
  • Don't over search a meaning to a card. Try going with your intuition if you can. 
  • Don't do large tarot spreads. 
 Question you can ask for a daily card pull.  
  • Some daily question you ask for a daily card pull.
  1. What is the energy of the day?
  2. What am I being invited to, to pay attention to today?
  3. What would spirit like me to know today? 
  4. What are some lesions I need to learn today? 
  5. What are some challenges I'll be facing today?
  6. What are some blessing I'll be receiving today? 
  7. What area of my life do I need to focus on today?
  8. How can I show up for my divination and growth today? 
  • Need more inspiration and idea's on questions to ask tarot? Check out this blog post HERE.
Try searching these key words. 
  1. Intuition
  2. Divination
  3. Tarot meanings
  4. Tarot Spreads
  5. Spiritual guides
  6. Birthday tarot card
Check back soon for more tips. 

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