Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Digital Tarot Journaling Inspiration-UPDATED

I have been writing my daily tarot draws in a notebook since I started learning about tarot. I'm still new. But today I decided not only did I want to write out my daily draws in my notebook I also wanted to dig a little deeper and spend more time with my card. So I decided I also wanted to keep a digital notebook on my phone to start diving a little deeper. As I would do my daily draw I would just write down each card, quote, or word & the meaning of my daily draw tarot card then go on about my day. I wasn't learning anything this way or really spending time getting to know my card. Then today I finally found an iPhone app that I really liked and wanted to try something new. So here we go. 

I downloaded the free iPhone app called Notebook for free on the iTunes store HERE for iPhone or the app HERE for Windows. You can use any app you like this is just the one I found I liked. What I love about this app is I can change and add my own notebook covers in this app, add more than one photo, +export and import notes in different formats. 

 Also, another free app for tarot beginners is the app Taro app. It is a free app with all the card meanings and more. If you have the Rider Waite Tarot deck you can also scan your tarot card for the meaning. You can download this app HERE. Oh and this app can also be used on your iWatch. 

The main reason for this blog post today is just to share some inspiration with you in hopes you can find a way or spark some inspiration on how you can set up your own journal or digital journal for tarot. 

I have been using a digital notebook app on my iPhone now for a while to do my Daily tarot drawings and practice. I have finally come across my style of doing so. So today I want to revamp my blog post on how I do this, with a little few extras that you may also want to add to your digital tarot journal if you also want to give it a try. 

Once you have downloaded the Notebook app, make yourself a new notebook & name it Tarot Daily Draw if you are doing a daily draw tarot. You can change the cover to any style or image of your liking. 

Open that notebook and create a new notebook for your daily tarot draw. I like to name the title the name of the tarot card I happen to draw for that day. 

I was taking a photo of each card for my daily draw, but it came to me last night, why don't I just scan the card as a document using the in-app scanned document feature? So with that said when you go to add a picture of the card to your notebook, scan the card with the free document scanner feature if you like. To me, it looks cleaner. 

It went from looking like that to this. 

Below you will see an example of how I go about my tarot daily drawing digital journaling with the decks I use to answer each question and then you will see what it looks like as I go about it to fill it out. 

Moon Phase:
Deep Dive Tarot 


  • What inner qualities do I need to express more? (ASK YOUR TAROT QUESTION HERE.)
  • DECK USED: (The Zenned Out Journey Tarot)
Card Keywords:
Card Meaning:

  • What does this card ask of me? 
  •  ORACLE DECK USED: (Soul Truth Oracle)

  • What self-care action does this card ask of me? 
  • ORACLE DECK USED: (The Sacred Self-Care Oracle)

  • What advice does this card give me? 
  • ORACLE DECK USED: (Shine Within Oracle)

  • What energy does this card ask me to embody or embrace? 
  • ORACLE DECK USED: (Goddess, Gods, Guardians, Angels Among Us, Angels and Ancestors.) I will only pick one of those decks.

  • What is my mind, body & soul telling me today?
  • ORACLE DECK USED: (Sacred Cycles Oracle)

  • What crystal does this card ask me to carry or embrace? 
  • ORACLE DECK UDED: ( Crystals Oracle)

  • Clarity Cards 
  • ( Use any tarot or oracle decks of your liking to help clarify the card you pulled.)

  • Quote & Affirmation of the Day: 
  • ( Use quotes & affirmation cards)
If you are still learning the traditional meanings of the RWS deck & use other tarot decks with their own interpretation it’s a good idea to write down the traditional card keywords & meanings. I also do journal questions that I get out of a tarot book I bought for each tarot card.

  • Deep Dive Meaning Of the RWS Tarot
  • Card Keywords:
  • Meaning:
  • Reversed Meaning:
Journal Questions: 

Five Of Wands Reversed
Apr 12, 2022
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous 🌔
Deep Dive Tarot
  • What inner qualities do I need to express more?
Card Keywords: growth, competition, learning from others
Card Meaning: when this card is reversed, it may indicate that the competition won’t turn out in your favor or that you’ll experience an unexpected attack. If you’re caught off guard, take this as a small setback but don’t let it stop you from moving forward. This reverse card could also mean that when disagreements do arise, you may be unwilling to hear others out. Quarrel of this nature would result in no one making progress. Your ability to be open to other viewpoints will help you in the long run.
  • What does this card ask of me?
Where am I called to use my voice right now? You have a Soul script that was written to be spoken. Your story matters it’s time for you to share it with the world.
Today's soul action: Share your story with at least one person today. Be brave and speak your truth. Your voice will be the catalyst for healing and others.
  • What self-care action does this card ask of me?
(14) Connect with your ancestors
Mantra: as I heal my wounds, I heal my lineage and bring peace that reverberates infinity throughout time & space.
  • What advice does this card give me?
Stop judging and start loving
Forgive someone
Get back to nature and reconnect to your hippie roots
  • What energy does this card ask me to embody or embrace?
Thoth-divine masculine
Be a conduit for awakening masculine energy. Heal the father's wound.
Mantra: My life is guided by the eternal masculine. I commit to this path.
Additional meanings:
This is the message of love from your father
You can trust the man that you’re inquiring about
  • What is my mind, body & soul telling me today?
(34) Motherwort
Mantra: All my cycles are sacred
You are being encouraged to look more deeply at how cycles and patterns show up in your life.
  • What crystal does this card ask me to carry or embrace?
Psychic powers
  • Clarity Cards
-Believe in your own magic-
(14) Thorns- we’ve together the crowned you deserve.
This, right here, is the ultimate card of celebration not just for yourself, you’re amazing though! But those around you. When you’re done putting on your crown each and every morning, go and help someone else put on theirs. You have so much love and wisdom to spread, so don’t waste it! Self-love is essential, that community is important too.

Financial health
Additional meanings:
Stop your extravagance
Seek professional advice
Money owed is paid off
Expect a windfall
Someone has indebted it to you
Have faith as your financial life heals

-The divine energy-
Face your adversities
Your divine energy is calling you to step away from disturbing or threatening situations, the still respond to the violations at hand with a blend of heart and mind. Is there a reason to take offense, or are you interpreting things in the wrong way? Ask your higher self for clarity.

-The sacred creators-
Make a mission statement for your soul-reverse
Self-care message: You need to ensure you are on the right path, believing that happiness comes after success, chasing money and material things

  • Quote & Affirmation of the Day:
Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued is always beyond your Grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

I use my failures as a steppingstone
What is one time I had a failure experience and what did I learn from it?

  • Deep Dive Meaning Of the RWS Tarot
The five of wands is a cart of challenge and instability. Often considered as a card of struggle, it depicts those times when we face obstacles and strife.

Card Keywords: Competition, obstacles, robbery, struggles
Reverse Meaning: avoiding conflict, lack of passion, focused teamwork

  1. How competitive are you?
  2. Can you think of a group of people who we find it difficult to work with?
  3. What struggles are you currently facing, and why is it important that you continue to keep fighting?
  4. Can you think of a situation where it might be more helpful to work with a group, rather than against it?
Below you will find some inspiration and information you can also add to your digital journal. 

Card Pulled:

Card Keywords:
Card Meaning:

My Keywords:
My Intuitive Meaning:

Suite Card Element:
Swords: Air
Pentacles: Earth
Wands: Fire
Cups: Water

Major Arcana Elements:
Air: Fool, Magician, Love, Justice, Star
Earth: Empress, Hierophant, Hermit, Devil, World
Fire: Emperor, Strength, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, Tower, Judgment 
Water: High Priestess, Chariot, Hanged Man, Death, Moon 
Card Element Meanings

Air-Communication, Ideas, inspiration, learning, spirituality
Earth-Comfort, physically, grounding, safety, materiality
Fire-Energy, authority, action, anger, strength
Water-Emotions, healing, creativity, adaptability, sensuality

Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Water: Feminine
Earth: Feminine
Air: Masculine
Fire: Masculine

Questions About This Card
1. How does this card make me feel?
2. What symbols or imagery jumps out at me?
3. Are there any archetypes or human themes
that stand out to me in this card?
4. How does this card show up
in my life right now?
5. What can I learn from this card?

Try Some tarot journal prompts I have found from around the web below. 

Want some inspiration on how you can use your oracle decks with your tarot cards? Check out the video below from Boho Tarot. 

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