Friday, March 18, 2022

DIY Printable Affirmations Cards


Download some blank label templates. I use this site HERE. I use the PDF Versions for Photoshop. 

Download some free design graphics from around the web of your liking or purchase some of your choice. I also have many free graphic design round-ups on my blog HERE.

Download some free fonts. 

Google some affirmations to copy and paste. 

For this tutorial, I'm going to use this label template HERE.

1. Open your PDF Template in Photoshop. Make sure you change the mode fto RGB Color. 

2. Use the wand tool to select one of the blank squares. Make a new blank layer. Select your new layer. 

3. Use the bucket tool and fill in the selected square.  Once done go to select-deselect or on PC CRTL + D. Repeat steps 1-3 until all the squares are filled in. 

4. Select one layer at a time using graphics and fonts to design each of your affirmations cards.

5. Once done flatten the image. Now you can save it as a JPEG or a PDF File. To save as a PDF go to File-Automate-PDF Presentation. Make sure under source files select add open files then save. 

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