Friday, January 26, 2024

Journal Prompts for Each Moon Phase


**New Moon:**

1. What new beginnings am I ready to embrace in my life?

2. What intentions do I want to set for the upcoming lunar cycle?

3. Reflect on the aspects of your life that need a fresh start.

**Waxing Crescent:**

1. What steps can I take to nurture the growth of my intentions?

2. How can I cultivate positive habits during this phase?

3. Explore the potential within yourself that is ready to unfold.

**First Quarter Moon:**

1. What challenges or obstacles do I need to address or overcome?

2. Reflect on the progress you've made toward your intentions.

3. How can you find balance and maintain momentum during this phase?

**Waxing Gibbous:**

1. What aspects of your life are reaching a point of culmination?

2. How can you stay focused and committed to your goals?

3. Reflect on the abundance and growth present in your life.

**Full Moon:**

1. What aspects of your life need illumination or completion?

2. How can you celebrate your achievements and express gratitude?

3. What emotions are surfacing, and how can you release what no longer serves you?

**Waning Gibbous:**

1. What can you release or let go of to create space for new energy?

2. Reflect on the lessons learned during this lunar cycle.

3. How can you maintain a sense of gratitude and abundance?

**Third Quarter Moon:**

1. What adjustments or changes are needed in your life?

2. Reflect on what no longer aligns with your intentions.

3. How can you find resolution and closure during this phase?

**Waning Crescent:**

1. What self-care practices can support your inner reflection?

2. How can you prepare for the upcoming new moon and set new intentions?

3. Reflect on the wisdom gained throughout the lunar cycle. 

These journal prompts are designed to help you connect with the energies of each moon phase, fostering self-awareness, intention-setting, and reflection throughout the lunar cycle.

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