Monday, January 22, 2024

Journaling with the Moon Phase


Journaling with the moon phase is a great way to connect with nature and your inner self.

  • Understand the lunar cycle: The lunar cycle consists of eight phases, each lasting approximately 3.5 days. These phases are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent. You can use a moon phase calendar to keep track of the current phase.
  • Set an intention: Before you begin journaling, set an intention for your practice. This could be anything from gaining clarity on a situation to manifesting a goal.
  • Choose a journal: Select a journal that resonates with you. It could be a plain notebook or a journal specifically designed for moon journaling.
  • Journal during the appropriate phase: Each phase of the lunar cycle has its own energy and symbolism. For example, the New Moon is a time for new beginnings, while the Full Moon is a time for releasing what no longer serves you. Tailor your journaling prompts to the current phase.
  • Reflect on your experience: After you’ve completed your journaling session, take some time to reflect on your experience. What did you learn? How did you feel? What insights did you gain?

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