Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tarot Spread to Help You Get Closer to God


Connecting with the divine and deepening your spiritual relationship with God can be a profoundly meaningful journey. Here's a Tarot spread to help you get closer to God:

**Closer to God Tarot Spread:**

1. **Card 1: Your Current Spiritual Connection**

   - This card represents your current level of connection with God or the divine. Reflect on your spiritual practices, beliefs, and experiences of divine presence.

2. **Card 2: Areas for Growth**

   - This card reveals areas of your spiritual life where there is room for growth and expansion. Reflect on any aspects of your relationship with God that you feel called to deepen or explore further.

3. **Card 3: Divine Guidance**

   - This card signifies the guidance and support available to you from God or the divine. Reflect on any messages or insights you receive as you interpret this card.

4. **Card 4: Spiritual Practices**

   - This card offers guidance on spiritual practices or rituals that can help you strengthen your connection with God. Reflect on practices such as prayer, meditation, worship, or sacred rituals that resonate with you.

5. **Card 5: Surrender and Trust**

   - This card represents the importance of surrendering to God's will and trusting in divine guidance. Reflect on any areas of your life where you may be holding onto control or resisting divine intervention.

6. **Card 6: Gratitude and Devotion**

   - This card invites you to cultivate gratitude and devotion in your relationship with God. Reflect on ways you can express gratitude for the blessings in your life and deepen your devotion to the divine.

7. **Card 7: Divine Presence**

   - This card signifies the presence of God or the divine in your life. Reflect on moments of divine grace, love, and guidance that you have experienced, and open your heart to receive more of God's presence in your life.

As you lay out the cards in this spread, approach the reading with reverence, humility, and an open heart. Trust that the guidance and insights you receive from the Tarot can help you deepen your connection with God and experience more fully the love and grace of the divine presence in your life. Allow yourself to be open to receiving divine guidance and inspiration as you continue on your spiritual journey of getting closer to God.

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