Thursday, February 22, 2024

Three Relationship Tarot Spreads


1. Relationship Insight Spread:

This spread is designed to provide insights into the dynamics and potential of a relationship.

  1. Card 1: You
  2. Card 2: Your partner
  3. Card 3: Relationship dynamics (what brings you together)
  4. Card 4: Strengths of the relationship
  5. Card 5: Weaknesses or challenges of the relationship
  6. Card 6: Potential outcome or future direction

2. Relationship Healing Spread:

This spread is focused on uncovering any areas of tension or conflict within the relationship and offering guidance for healing and growth.

  1. Card 1: Current state of the relationship
  2. Card 2: What is causing tension or conflict
  3. Card 3: How to address and heal the tension
  4. Card 4: What each partner can do to contribute to healing
  5. Card 5: Potential outcome if healing is embraced

3. Relationship Decision-Making Spread:

This spread is helpful when you're facing a decision or dilemma within the relationship and need clarity and guidance.

  1. Card 1: Current state of the relationship
  2. Card 2: Option 1 (e.g., stay together, end the relationship)
  3. Card 3: Option 2 (e.g., seek counseling, take a break)
  4. Card 4: Potential outcome of Option 1
  5. Card 5: Potential outcome of Option 2
  6. Card 6: Advice or guidance from the Tarot

Feel free to customize these spreads based on your specific questions or concerns within your relationship. Remember to approach the Tarot with an open mind and heart, and use the insights gained to guide you in your journey of love and connection.

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