Friday, March 1, 2024

Tarot Spread Focused on Connecting With Someone Who Has Passed Away


Here's a Tarot spread focused on connecting with someone who has passed away:

**Connecting with a Loved One Spread:**

1. **Card 1: The Loved One's Presence**

   - This card represents the presence of your loved one in your life. Pay attention to any emotions, memories, or sensations that arise as you interpret this card.

2. **Card 2: Messages from the Other Side**

   - This card reveals any messages, guidance, or insights your loved one wants to communicate with you. Trust your intuition as you interpret this card and listen closely to any intuitive nudges or impressions you receive.

3. **Card 3: Lessons Learned**

   - This card signifies the lessons or wisdom you have gained from your relationship with your loved one, both during their lifetime and since their passing. Reflect on how their presence continues to impact your life and shape your journey.

4. **Card 4: Healing and Closure**

   - This card offers guidance on how to find healing, closure, and peace in your relationship with your loved one. Consider any actions or practices you can engage in to honor their memory and find solace in their presence.

5. **Card 5: Signs and Synchronicities**

   - This card indicates any signs, synchronicities, or symbols your loved one may be sending you from the other side. Pay attention to any subtle messages or occurrences in your daily life that remind you of them.

6. **Card 6: Continuing the Connection**

   - This card offers guidance on how to continue nurturing your connection with your loved one, even though they may no longer be physically present. Consider ways to honor their memory, celebrate their life, and keep their spirit alive in your heart.

7. **Card 7: Gratitude and Blessings**

   - This card invites you to express gratitude for the time you shared with your loved one and the blessings they brought into your life. Take a moment to reflect on the cherished memories and moments you shared together.

As you lay out the cards in this spread, approach the reading with an open heart and a willingness to receive messages and guidance from your loved one. Trust that they are always with you in spirit, offering their love, support, and wisdom as you navigate life's journey. Allow the Tarot to serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, connecting you with the eternal bond you share with your loved one.

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