Sunday, February 11, 2024

25 Tarot Questions For Inner Child Work


1. What messages does my inner child have for me?

2. How can I connect more deeply with my inner child?

3. What childhood wounds or traumas are affecting me in the present?

4. What playful and joyful qualities of my inner child should I embrace?

5. How can I heal and nurture my inner child?

6. What activities or experiences would bring joy and happiness to my inner child?

7. What fears or insecurities from childhood are still influencing me?

8. How can I provide safety and security for my inner child within myself?

9. What needs did my inner child have that were not met, and how can I fulfill them now?

10. What creative outlets can I explore to express the innocence and curiosity of my inner child?

11. What memories from my childhood hold valuable lessons or insights for me now?

12. How can I offer love and acceptance to my inner child, just as they are?

13. What dreams or aspirations did my inner child have that I can revisit and pursue now?

14. What affirmations can I use to nurture and empower my inner child?

15. What boundaries do I need to set to protect my inner child from harm?

16. How can I cultivate a sense of wonder and awe, like my inner child once had?

17. What role did imagination play in my childhood, and how can I reconnect with it now?

18. What unresolved emotions from my past are asking for my attention and healing?

19. How can I integrate the wisdom and innocence of my inner child into my adult life?

20. What past experiences shaped my beliefs about love and belonging, and how can I heal those beliefs?

21. What childhood passions or hobbies can I rediscover and incorporate into my life now?

22. How can I offer compassion and understanding to the experiences of my inner child?

23. What negative patterns or behaviors stem from unhealed wounds of my inner child?

24. What steps can I take to heal and protect my inner child on a daily basis?

25. What message does my inner child have for me about reclaiming joy, freedom, and authenticity in my life?

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