Sunday, February 11, 2024

25 Tarot QuestionsTailored to each Moon Phase


**New Moon:**

1. What new beginnings are on the horizon for me?

2. What intentions should I set for this lunar cycle?

3. What areas of my life are ready for fresh energy and growth?

4. How can I plant the seeds for my dreams and goals during this phase?

5. What hidden opportunities or potentials are available to me now?

**Waxing Crescent:**

6. What actions can I take to nurture and support the growth of my intentions?

7. What obstacles or challenges may arise as I pursue my goals?

8. What strengths or resources can I draw upon to overcome these challenges?

9. How can I stay focused and aligned with my intentions during this phase?

10. What new insights or perspectives can I gain as I move forward?

**First Quarter:**

11. What adjustments or course corrections do I need to make to stay on track with my goals?

12. What areas of my life require greater balance or attention at this time?

13. How can I navigate any conflicts or tensions that arise during this phase?

14. What opportunities for action or decision-making are presenting themselves to me now?

15. What lessons can I learn from any setbacks or challenges I encounter?

**Waxing Gibbous:**

16. What progress am I making towards my intentions and goals?

17. What strengths or talents am I currently underestimating or overlooking?

18. How can I maintain momentum and stay committed to my path?

19. What support or guidance do I need to reach the next level of my journey?

20. What signs or synchronicities are guiding me forward at this time?

**Full Moon:**

21. What aspects of my life are coming to fruition or reaching completion?

22. What emotions or desires are reaching their peak during this phase?

23. What aspects of myself or my life do I need to release or let go of?

24. How can I celebrate my achievements and express gratitude for my blessings?

25. What insights or revelations are available to me now through the illumination of the full moon?

These questions can help you tap into the energy and symbolism of each moon phase to gain clarity, guidance, and inspiration for your journey.

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