Sunday, February 4, 2024

50 Shadow Work Questions to ask my Pendulum


1. What suppressed emotions from my past need acknowledgment?

2. Can the pendulum help me identify recurring patterns in my behavior?

3. What fears or insecurities am I avoiding confronting in my life?

4. Is there an aspect of myself that I need to embrace and accept?

5. Can the pendulum guide me to understand the roots of my self-doubt?

6. What childhood wounds are influencing my present relationships?

7. Is there a limiting belief about myself that I need to release?

8. Can the pendulum reveal any hidden guilt or shame I carry?

9. What aspects of my life am I resisting, and why?

10. Is there a particular trauma that requires healing through shadow work?

11. Can the pendulum help me uncover the source of my self-sabotaging behaviors?

12. What unresolved anger or resentment am I holding onto?

13. Is there a part of myself that I've neglected and need to nurture?

14. Can the pendulum guide me to understand the origins of my perfectionism?

15. What masks or personas do I wear to hide my true self?

16. Is there a past mistake or regret that I need to forgive myself for?

17. Can the pendulum reveal any hidden desires or cravings that impact my choices?

18. What aspects of my shadow self are hindering my personal growth?

19. Is there an unmet need or longing that requires acknowledgment?

20. Can the pendulum guide me to recognize any self-destructive habits?

21. What unresolved grief or loss am I carrying within me?

22. Is there a specific relationship dynamic that requires examination?

23. Can the pendulum help me understand the roots of my anxiety or stress?

24. What part of myself am I projecting onto others, and why?

25. Is there a past betrayal or trust issue that still influences me?

26. Can the pendulum guide me to explore my relationship with authority figures?

27. What expectations or standards am I imposing on myself that are unrealistic?

28. Is there a need for me to set healthier boundaries in my relationships?

29. Can the pendulum help me uncover any hidden prejudices or biases within myself?

30. What aspects of my life am I avoiding taking responsibility for?

31. Is there a specific addiction or dependency that I need to address?

32. Can the pendulum guide me to recognize any patterns of self-sacrifice?

33. What unresolved issues with my parents or family require attention?

34. Is there a past trauma influencing my body image or self-esteem?

35. Can the pendulum help me explore my relationship with self-love and self-care?

36. What unspoken truths or secrets am I keeping from myself?

37. Is there a particular shadow aspect that is hindering my creativity?

38. Can the pendulum guide me to recognize any patterns of codependency?

39. What societal or cultural conditioning do I need to examine and release?

40. Is there a part of myself that I'm afraid to express or show to others?

41. Can the pendulum help me explore my relationship with success and failure?

42. What aspects of my identity am I neglecting or suppressing?

43. Is there a past rejection or abandonment issue that still affects me?

44. Can the pendulum guide me to explore my relationship with time and deadlines?

45. What core beliefs about myself are no longer serving me positively?

46. Is there a need for me to reconnect with my inner child for healing?

47. Can the pendulum help me understand the roots of my feelings of unworthiness?

48. What societal expectations or norms am I adhering to without questioning?

49. Is there a part of myself that I've disowned and need to reclaim?

50. Can the pendulum guide me to recognize any patterns of self-neglect?

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