Thursday, August 22, 2024

30-Day Body Positivity Tarot Challenge


Introduction: This challenge is designed to help you foster a positive body image and self-love. Each day, draw a tarot card and reflect on its message in relation to your body and self-worth. 

Grave a notebook, journal, or digital journal/planner, for each day for a whole month draw one tarot card for body positivity. Whatever card you get for that day come back to my blog post or save them to see the journal prompt for that tarot card of the day. 

How to Participate:

  1. Shuffle: Shuffle your tarot deck thoroughly.
  2. Draw: Draw one card each day for 30 days. 
  3. Reflect: Meditate or journal on the card's meaning in relation to body positivity.


Card: The Empress

Prompt: How can you nurture and nourish your body with love and compassion?

Reflection: Perhaps the Empress symbolizes self-care and nourishment. This could suggest that you need to prioritize your physical and emotional well-being to foster a more positive body image.

Additional Tips:

  • Create a Journal: Dedicate a journal to document your daily reflections.
  • Visualize: Use visualization techniques to connect the card's energy with your body.
  • Share: Connect with others who are participating in the challenge to share insights and support.

Enjoy your journey of self-discovery and body positivity!

Major Arcana

  1. The Fool: How do you approach your body with a sense of adventure and openness?
  2. The Magician: What are your body's strengths and how can you harness them?
  3. The High Priestess: What intuition does your body offer you about your needs and boundaries?
  4. The Empress: How can you nurture and nourish your body with love and compassion?
  5. The Emperor: What structure and discipline can you bring to your body care routine?
  6. The Hierophant: How do societal expectations influence your body image and how can you challenge them?
  7. The Lovers: How do your relationships with others impact your body image and self-esteem?
  8. The Chariot: What obstacles or fears do you face in relation to your body and how can you overcome them?
  9. Strength: How can you cultivate inner strength and resilience in your relationship with your body?
  10. The Hermit: What time alone do you need to connect with your body and its needs?
  11. Wheel of Fortune: How can you embrace the ups and downs of your body's journey?
  12. Justice: How can you treat your body with fairness and respect?
  13. The Hanged Man: What perspectives do you need to shift to foster a more positive body image?
  14. Death: How can you let go of negative body image beliefs and embrace transformation?
  15. Temperance: How can you find balance and moderation in your relationship with your body?
  16. The Devil: What limiting beliefs or habits are holding you back from loving your body?
  17. The Tower: How can you navigate unexpected challenges or setbacks related to your body image?
  18. The Star: What hopes and dreams do you have for your body and how can you work towards them?
  19. The Moon: What fears and insecurities are affecting your relationship with your body?
  20. The Sun: How can you radiate joy and confidence in your body?
  21. Judgment: How can you forgive yourself for past body image struggles and embrace self-acceptance?
  22. The World: What is your vision for a harmonious and loving relationship with your body?

Minor Arcana


  1. Ace: What sparks your passion and creativity in relation to your body?
  2. Two: How can you balance your desires with your needs when it comes to your body?
  3. Three: What challenges or obstacles do you face in expressing yourself through your body?
  4. Four: How can you create a sense of stability and security in your relationship with your body?
  5. Five: How do you handle conflict or competition related to your body image?
  6. Six: How can you celebrate your achievements and progress in your body positivity journey?
  7. Seven: What temptations or distractions might hinder your progress towards a positive body image?
  8. Eight: What actions can you take to move forward towards your body positivity goals?
  9. Nine: How can you cultivate inner peace and contentment in your relationship with your body?
  10. Page: What new perspectives or insights can you gain about your body?
  11. Knight: How can you take courageous steps towards body acceptance and self-love?
  12. Queen: How can you embody grace, wisdom, and compassion in your relationship with your body?
  13. King: How can you establish a strong and confident foundation for your body positivity journey?


  1. Ace: How can you open your heart to love and acceptance of your body?
  2. Two: How do you balance your emotions and feelings about your body?
  3. Three: What joy and fulfillment do you find in your body?
  4. Four: How can you create a sense of emotional security and comfort in your relationship with your body?
  5. Five: How do you cope with emotional pain or disappointment related to your body image?
  6. Six: How can you heal past wounds and traumas related to your body?
  7. Seven: What illusions or distractions might be clouding your perception of your body?
  8. Nine: How can you cultivate inner peace and contentment in your relationship with your body?
  9. Ten: What deep sense of belonging and connection do you feel with your body?
  10. Page: What new emotions or feelings are arising as you explore your relationship with your body?
  11. Knight: How can you express your emotions and feelings through your body?
  12. Queen: How can you nurture and care for your emotional well-being in relation to your body?
  13. King: How can you establish a strong and supportive emotional foundation for your body positivity journey?


  1. Ace: What clarity and insight do you gain about your relationship with your body?
  2. Two: How do you balance your mind and emotions when it comes to your body image?
  3. Three: What challenges or obstacles do you face in overcoming negative thoughts about your body?
  4. Four: How can you find mental peace and tranquility in your relationship with your body?
  5. Five: How do you handle conflict or criticism related to your body image?
  6. Six: How can you overcome past regrets or disappointments related to your body?
  7. Seven: What temptations or distractions might hinder your progress towards a positive body image?
  8. Nine: How can you cultivate inner peace and contentment in your relationship with your body?
  9. Ten: What deep-seated fears or anxieties are affecting your relationship with your body?
  10. Page: What new ideas or perspectives can you gain about your body?
  11. Knight: How can you use your mind and intellect to support your body positivity journey?
  12. Queen: How can you cultivate wisdom and discernment in your relationship with your body?
  13. King: How can you establish a strong and grounded mental foundation for your body positivity journey?


  1. Ace: What new beginnings and opportunities are arising in your relationship with your body?
  2. Two: How do you balance your physical and emotional needs?
  3. Three: What practical steps can you take to improve your relationship with your body?
  4. Four: How can you create a sense of stability and security in your physical health and well-being?
  5. Five: How do you handle financial or material challenges related to your body image?
  6. Six: How can you celebrate your physical achievements and progress?
  7. Seven: What temptations or distractions might hinder your progress towards a positive body image?
  8. Nine: How can you cultivate inner peace and contentment in your relationship with your body?
  9. Ten: What deep sense of abundance and prosperity do you feel in your relationship with your body?
  10. Page: What new physical experiences or sensations are you exploring?
  11. Knight: How can you use your physical energy and vitality to support your body positivity journey?
  12. Queen: How can you nurture and care for your physical health and well-being?
  13. King: How can you establish a strong and grounded physical foundation for your body positivity journey?

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