Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tarot Card Meanings Including Both Upright & Reversed


Here’s a comprehensive guide to the meanings of all 78 tarot cards, including both upright and reversed interpretations.

Major Arcana
The Fool

Upright: New beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, adventure.
Reversed: Recklessness, foolishness, risk-taking without planning.
The Magician

Upright: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action.
Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, unused talents.
The High Priestess

Upright: Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind.
Reversed: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal.
The Empress

Upright: Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance.
Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others, overindulgence.
The Emperor

Upright: Authority, structure, control, fatherhood.
Reversed: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility.
The Hierophant

Upright: Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition.
Reversed: Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo.
The Lovers

Upright: Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices.
Reversed: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values.
The Chariot

Upright: Control, willpower, success, action, determination.
Reversed: Lack of control, lack of direction, aggression.

Upright: Courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, inner strength.
Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, insecurity, low energy.
The Hermit

Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal.
The Wheel of Fortune

Upright: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point.
Reversed: Bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles.

Upright: Fairness, truth, law, cause and effect.
Reversed: Dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness.
The Hanged Man

Upright: Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives.
Reversed: Delays, resistance, stalling, indecision.

Upright: Endings, change, transformation, transition.
Reversed: Resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging.

Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose.
Reversed: Imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment.
The Devil

Upright: Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality.
Reversed: Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment.
The Tower

Upright: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening.
Reversed: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster.
The Star

Upright: Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality.
Reversed: Lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection.
The Moon

Upright: Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition.
Reversed: Release of fear, repressed emotions, inner confusion.
The Sun

Upright: Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality.
Reversed: Inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic, unrealistic.

Upright: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution.
Reversed: Self-doubt, ignoring the call, lack of self-awareness.
The World

Upright: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel.
Reversed: Seeking closure, short-cuts, delays, lack of completion.
Suit of Cups (Emotions, Relationships, Intuition)
Ace of Cups

Upright: Love, new relationships, compassion, creativity.
Reversed: Blocked or repressed emotions, emotional loss.
Two of Cups

Upright: Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction.
Reversed: Break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony.
Three of Cups

Upright: Celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations.
Reversed: Independence, alone time, hardcore partying, ‘three’s a crowd’.
Four of Cups

Upright: Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation.
Reversed: Retreat, withdrawal, checking in for alignment.
Five of Cups

Upright: Regret, failure, disappointment, pessimism.
Reversed: Personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on.
Six of Cups

Upright: Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy.
Reversed: Living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness.
Seven of Cups

Upright: Opportunities, choices, wishful thinking, illusion.
Reversed: Alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices.
Eight of Cups

Upright: Disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, escapism.
Reversed: Trying one more time, indecision, aimless drifting.
Nine of Cups

Upright: Contentment, satisfaction, gratitude, wish come true.
Reversed: Inner happiness, materialism, dissatisfaction.
Ten of Cups

Upright: Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment.
Reversed: Disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships.
Page of Cups

Upright: Creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility.
Reversed: New ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity.
Knight of Cups

Upright: Romance, charm, ‘Knight in shining armor’, imagination.
Reversed: Overactive imagination, unrealistic, jealous, moody.
Queen of Cups

Upright: Compassionate, caring, emotionally stable, intuitive, in flow.
Reversed: Inner feelings, self-care, co-dependency, martyrdom.
King of Cups

Upright: Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
Reversed: Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative.
Suit of Pentacles (Material Wealth, Career, Physical World)
Ace of Pentacles

Upright: A new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance.
Reversed: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight.
Two of Pentacles

Upright: Multiple priorities, time management, prioritization, adaptability.
Reversed: Over-committed, disorganization, reprioritization.
Three of Pentacles

Upright: Teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation.
Reversed: Disharmony, misalignment, working alone.
Four of Pentacles

Upright: Saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control.
Reversed: Over-spending, greed, self-protection.
Five of Pentacles

Upright: Financial loss, poverty, lack mindset, isolation, worry.
Reversed: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty.
Six of Pentacles

Upright: Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity.
Reversed: Self-care, unpaid debts, one-sided charity.
Seven of Pentacles

Upright: Long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment.
Reversed: Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward.
Eight of Pentacles

Upright: Apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development.
Reversed: Self-development, perfectionism, misdirected activity.
Nine of Pentacles

Upright: Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence.
Reversed: Self-worth, over-investment in work, hustling.
Ten of Pentacles

Upright: Wealth, financial security, family, long-term success, contribution.
Reversed: The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss.
Page of Pentacles

Upright: Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development.
Reversed: Lack of progress, procrastination, learn from failure.
Knight of Pentacles

Upright: Hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism.
Reversed: Self-discipline, boredom, feeling ‘stuck’, perfectionism.
Queen of Pentacles

Upright: Nurturing, practical, providing financially, a working parent.
Reversed: Financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict.
King of Pentacles

Upright: Wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance.
Reversed: Financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn.
Suit of Swords (Intellect, Thoughts, Communication)
Ace of Swords

Upright: Breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind, new ideas, success.
Reversed: Inner clarity, re-thinking an idea, clouded judgment.
Two of Swords

Upright: Difficult decisions, weighing up options, an impasse, avoidance.
Reversed: Indecision, confusion, information overload.
Three of Swords

Upright: Heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, hurt.
Reversed: Negative self-talk, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness.
Four of Swords

Upright: Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation.
Reversed: Exhaustion, burnout, deep contemplation, stagnation.
Five of Swords

Upright: Conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs.
Reversed: Reconciliation, making amends, past resentment.
Six of Swords

Upright: Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage.
Reversed: Personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business.
Seven of Swords

Upright: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically.
Reversed: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets.
Eight of Swords

Upright: Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality.
Reversed: Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives.
Nine of Swords

Upright: Anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares.
Reversed: Inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets, releasing worry.
Ten of Swords

Upright: Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis.
Reversed: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end.
Page of Swords

Upright: New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating.
Reversed: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste.
Knight of Swords

Upright: Ambitious, action-oriented, driven to succeed, fast-thinking.
Reversed: Restless, unfocused, impulsive, burn-out.
Queen of Swords

Upright: Independent, unbiased judgment, clear boundaries, direct communication.
Reversed: Overly emotional, easily influenced, bitchy, cold-hearted.
King of Swords

Upright: Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth.
Reversed: Quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, manipulation.
Suit of Wands (Passion, Creativity, Action)
Ace of Wands

Upright: Inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential.
Reversed: An emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, delays.
Two of Wands

Upright: Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery.
Reversed: Personal goals, inner alignment, fear of unknown, lack of planning.
Three of Wands

Upright: Progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities.
Reversed: Playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays.
Four of Wands

Upright: Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming.
Reversed: Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition.
Five of Wands

Upright: Conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, diversity.
Reversed: Inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release.
Six of Wands

Upright: Success, public recognition, progress, self-confidence.
Reversed: Private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egotism.
Seven of Wands

Upright: Challenge, competition, protection, perseverance.
Reversed: Exhaustion, giving up, overwhelmed.
Eight of Wands

Upright: Movement, fast-paced change, action, alignment, air travel.
Reversed: Delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment.
Nine of Wands

Upright: Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries.
Reversed: Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia.
Ten of Wands

Upright: Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion.
Reversed: Doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release.
Page of Wands

Upright: Inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, free spirit.
Reversed: Newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, a spiritual path.
Knight of Wands

Upright: Energy, passion, inspired action, adventure, impulsiveness.
Reversed: Passion project, haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration.
Queen of Wands

Upright: Courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination.
Reversed: Self-respect, self-confidence, introverted, re-establishing sense of self.
King of Wands

Upright: Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honor.
Reversed: Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations.
These meanings provide a foundation for interpreting each card during tarot readings, whether you're pulling them upright or reversed.

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